What’s the Difference, and Does it Matter?

Honeybee and Bumblebee species both belong to the Apidae family, honeybees to the Apis genus and bumblebees belong to the Bombus genus. Their appearance is very different as well.
Honeybees are thinner than bumblebees and it would be easy to mistake them for wasps except that wasps are yellow and black, while bumblebees are round and for the lack of a word dare I say fuzzy.

Bees are our favourite pollinators
Out of the two, it may surprise you to know that bumblebees are better pollinators than honeybees and due to their mouthparts being different so they can get to different flowers to extract their pollen and some even specialise in certain flower species
Bumblebees are also more adaptable to weather conditions like the cold and rain
Honeybees live in trees, buildings or hives if you are a beekeeper like us, they swarm at certain times of the year and can land anywhere and if they do we can remove them and rehome them somewhere safe on one of our bee sanctuaries.
Another thing we get asked about is bee stings well I can say that honeybees can sting once and die bumblebees can sting multiple times.
Have you ever thought about helping bees and don’t know where to start then let us help you. You could start by planting flowers that bees like or providing a water source like a shallow dish with pebbles in so they don’t drown.
If you want to do more, you could donate to us to buy food and hives for our bee sanctuaries.
Still not sure then contact us and see if there are any other ways we need help as this changes depending on the time of the year. to donate click Here